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Chord diagrams

  How do I use guitar chord diagrams?
In the software, a chord diagram is a chord drawing for the guitarist. It gives, for each chord, the position of the left hand on the neck. For example, here is the chord diagram for C major.

The software has a chord diagram database that you can modify and add to.

Chord diagrams can be displayed and printed automatically above any staff , giving the chord to play to be in harmony with the notes in the staff.
You can insert a chord diagram at any point thanks to the chord diagram tool in the "Miscellaneous tools" palette.

You can move a chord diagram by clicking and dragging it.
You can change its size by clicking on its bottom-right and distorting it.
You can delete it with the delete tool.
You can edit it by double-clicking it.
Tip :
The chord diagrams are stored in a separate file named "ACCGUIT.DAT".
This file is located in the preferences folder so that it is preserved should you install a new software version.
Its access path is:
On PC: Run the little program called "Myrpref.exe" and located in the application install directory, and in the window that opens, enter the "Myriad" subfolder.
On Macintosh: "Myriad preferences" subfolder of the user's preferences folder
If you work on several different computers, you must copy this file to all of them to keep your defined chord diagrams the same.

How can I build my own chord diagram library?
Chord diagrams are defined via the "Option/Edit guitar chord diagram" menu item.
You can equally use this function to understand how chords are built up.
When you ask for chord diagrams to be displayed above staves or in the chord diagram grid, the chord is looked up in the list of chords defined in the database file.
Most common chords are already defined, as are some others,so be sure you know what you are doing if you modify them..
In the center of the window is the current chord. The guitar neck is displayed vertically, the low E on the left and the high E on the right. The black dots indicate that a finger is stopping the string at this fret position. The black bars indicate that several strings are stopped by the same finger.This is called a barre. It may be a full barre covering all 6 strings, or a half-barre covering only two or more of them. Either way it is usually made with the index finger.

Above each string, you can specify which finger is used to stop the string:
0 = open string
1 = fore or index finger
2=middle finger
3=ring finger
4=little finger
X = this string is not played.

To the right of the grid you can specify which fret on the guitar corresponds to the first fret shown in the diagram.
For each string, below the chord diagram is displayed the resulting note (A to G) and its position in the chord:
F = fundamental: The root note of the chord. For example, in a chord of C7, the fundamental is C.
The other notes in the chord are named according to the interval between them and the fundamental.
T or F fundamental (root)
9- diminished ninth
ninth or second
minor third
diminished fifth
augmented fifth
seventh (minor)
major seventh
If a note that is not a part of the desired chord appears in your diagram, it is displayed in reversed colors.

By default, chords are only available up to the seventh. To define a more complex chord, you must break the link between the chord name and its components. The name of such a chord is preceded by a '*' symbol in the chord list.

To change the current chord, click in the chord list on the right of the window.

The "Add" button adds a new chord to the chord list. The "Delete" button deletes the current chord.
The "Try" button plays the current chord. The instrument and output device used are those of the first active staff of your document.

To change the chord name, click on the "Rename" button. Several chord diagrams can be defined for a single chord. While searching for the chord to be displayed on the score, Harmony gives priority to the one whose "Preferred" check box is ticked.

The "Transposable" check box indicates that the chord can be moved along the neck to obtain another chord (such a chord must not have open strings).

Tip :
To print the whole chord list, select the menu item "File>Print". You will then have to hand all the different ways of playing the chords.


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