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Expert mode

Expert settings allow the user to override the automated settings of PDFtoMusic Pro up in order to improve recognition of one or several documents.

You'll intervene directly on the internal algorithms of PDFtoMusic Pro.
By default, PDFtoMusic Pro is set to mean values, that work well for most of the PDF files. But for some specific files, these settings can lead to errors, that you can fix from here.
This needs a good knowledge about how PDFtoMusic Pro processes PDF files. Please only change one value at a time, and apply slight changes.

But don't panic, you can restore the default values at any time by clicking the "Reset" button.

These settings are applied when the PDF document is loaded, so they don't affect the documents already in memory.

The miscellaneous sections are provided in a precise order: the sequence used by PDFtoMusic to analyze a document.
For instance, concatenation of characters to build words is performed before analyzing words.

For each section, a complexity level is provided, from low to high.
Before applying changes to a section of high complexity level, please reflect deeply...

Quick Links

Editing settings
Horiz. & vert. lines
Slanted lines
Systems & groups
Time signature
Ledger lines

Multiple bars
Parts / Endings
Crescendo / decrescendo
Octave Offset

Editing settings

The first time you ask for expert mode settings, you are asked for a confirmation.
Then you see this dialog box:

At the left of this window is the menu of various expert mode options. Each section is described in detail later in this chapter. If a value from a section has changed from the default value, a star icon is displayed before the section name.
On the right, sliders that enable to change a value. Double-clicking the numeric value edits its value as  a text. If the value is different from default, the offset is displayed on the right.

At the bottom, several buttons:

• Default
Defines current expert settings as the default values for PDFtoMusic Pro calculation. To be used with great care.

• Reset
Resets expert settings to their original value for the current section only, or for all sections.

• Load
Loads an expert setting definition file, previously saved through the "Save" option. This affects all sections.

• Save
Save all expert settings in a definition file. This enables you to create predefined sets of parameters.

• << and >>
Switches from one section to another, you can also click in the section list.

Please note that if you change one or several expert settings, when running PDFtoMusic Pro, an alert will be displayed to alert you that you'll process PDF files with different parameters than the default.

In the same way, when you send an e-mail to the technical support (Internet menu), all the parameters that have been changed are attached, so that we can work on your files with the same settings as yours.

Horiz. & vert. lines

Complexity : high

Horizontal and vertical lines are an essential element, and the first step in analysis.
They form staff lines, barlines and note stems that constitute the document's backbone.
Line analysis is performed before staff seeking, so units are pixels.
If some staves appear to be missing after analysis, altering these settings could help.

A score excerpt
What PDFtoMusic Pro detects

• Horizontal imprecision for line merging (in pixels)
When lines are actually made of several small lines end to end, increasing this value will enable a more tolerant merging of these lines.

• Vertical imprecision for line merging (in pixels)
Some thick lines are actually made of several thick lines, drawn on top of each other. Increasing this value will enable a more tolerant merging of these lines.

• Minimum line size for dust removal (in pixels)
Small useless lines are sometimes found, which can be removed with this setting.


Complexity : high

Once horizontal lines have been detected, PDFtoMusic Pro will try to determine staves: a set of more or less equidistant horizontal lines, with end positions rather close.
Once staves have been extracted, the document general unit is known: the "line space", i.e. the distance between two horizontal lines in the same staff.

Detected horizontal and vertical lines
Detected staff lines

• Horizontal imprecision for staff lines connection (in pixels)
Maximum tolerance for merging two lines drawn end to end into a single one.

• Vertical imprecision for staff lines (in pixels)
Maximum tolerance for merging two lines drawn on top of each other in a single, thicker one.

• Maximum line thickness (in pixels)
Enables to remove too thick lines. If you see, on your document, undetected staves with rather thick staff lines, increase this value.

• Maximum line space (ratio of the page height)
Lines which are too far apart in your document can be removed with this option. If staves with rather outspread staff lines go undetected, as can occur in tablature, increase this value.
Be careful, too much tolerance will detect staves where there are none.

• Minimum horizontal size for staff lines (ratio of the page width)
Lines which are too short can be removed with this option. For instance, one or two measures, or even a whole paragraph of underlined text might be  drawn as an embellishment, and do not match the actual content of the score. Or, for instance, a whole paragraph of underlined text

• Line space imprecision (in line spaces)
This value sets the calculation tolerance when searching for equidistant horizontal lines. On some PDF files generated with a low resolution, horizontal lines of a staff are not regularly spaced.

Slanted lines

Complexity: average

Slanted lines are mainly used to draw beams, hairpins or tuplet groupings.

A score excerpt
In red, what PDFtoMusic detects

• Imprecision for slope comparison
Increasing this value will enable slanted lines with more different slopes but drawn end to end to be merged together.

• Horizontal imprecision for line merging (in line spaces)
• Vertical
imprecision for line merging (in line spaces)
Increasing these values will allow two lines of similar slope on top of each other to be merged together in order to make a thicker line.

• Vertical distance for line end comparison (in line spaces)
Increasing this value will enable slanted lines that are not perfectly end to end to be merged together in order to make a longer line.

• Thickness imprecision for slanted line merging (in line spaces)
Prevents slanted lines from merging if they meet all the above requirements but their thickness is different.

• Dust removal on slanted lines: Minimum allowed size (in line spaces)
Small useless lines are sometimes found, which can be removed with this setting.

Systems & groups

Complexity: average

Staves have now been found, as well as slanted lines. PDFtoMusic Pro will aggregate staves into staff groups. Vertical lines or brace and bracket symbols located in the left margin are extracted.

A score excerpt
What PDFtoMusic Pro extracts:
A three staves system.
The two bottom staves are grouped into a single part by the brace.

• Horizontal imprecision for system seeking (in line spaces)
In some documents, the grouping symbol is either far from the left end of the staff, or within the staff area. This setting determines the maximum distance in line spaces.
If this value is zero, each staff becomes an independent system.

• Vertical imprecision for system seeking (in line spaces)
The maximum distance between the end of the grouping symbol and the top or bottom of the staff.


Complexity: average

Once staves have been grouped together, PDFtoMusic Pro will locate vertical lines that start at the top of the system or staff, and end at the bottom of the system or staff, in order to extract barlines.

a) thick barline
b) thin barline
c) double thin barline

• Minimum thickness for a thick barline (in line spaces)
Specifies at what point a barline should be defined as thick.
If, for instance, repeat barlines are not recognized, decrease this value.
Conversely, if too many bold barlines are recognized, increase this value.

• Minimum distance between two thin barlines (in line spaces)
Sometimes, a barline is drawn several time at the end of the measure in the PDF file. Increasing this value will replace double barlines with single ones.

• Minimum measure width (ratio of the staff height)
Measures are supposed to contain symbols, so they should be wide enough. But some measures can be narrow (upbeat for instance). Decrease this value if several narrow measures are merged into one.


Complexity: low

Once staves have been grouped together, and measures detected, PDFtoMusic Pro will begin to interpret the individual symbols. It starts with clefs.

• Minimum height for a clef symbol (in line spaces)
Minimal symbol height to consider it as a valid clef.

• Minimum height of a 8 or 15 over clef  (in line spaces)
Minimum height for considering a clef octave offset (8va, 8vb, 15ma...) as valid.

• Maximum height of a 8 or 15 over clef  (in line spaces)
Maximum height for considering a clef octave offset (8va, 8vb, 15ma...) as valid.

Time signature

Complexity: low

Unabbreviated time signatures can easily be taken for miscellaneous numbers like tuplets or fingering.
The following settings allow time signatures to be more accurately interpreted in these cases.

• Vertical parting position between time signature numerator and denominator (ratio)
Determines how much line spacing is allowed between the numerator and denominator to be considered part of the same time signature object. This is expressed as a percentage (ratio) of the character height.

• Minimum size for time signature numbers  (in line spaces)
Numbers (digits) below this size threshold are not considered to be part of the time signature.

• Maximum horizontal shift between time signature digits (in line spaces)

When numbers are made of several digits, this setting defines the maximum horizontal distance between them.


Complexity: low

It's now time to detect notes that are drawn on the staff...

• Maximum size of a grace note head (in line spaces)
Adjusts discrepancies between grace note and regular note size.
Notes are always bigger than grace notes on the same document.

However, this difference is sometimes small. If grace notes are mistaken for notes, decrease this value.

• Maximum size of a grace note drawn in one symbol (in line spaces)
When grace note head, stem and flag is drawn through a single character, maximum size of this character

• Maximum distance from the flag to the note (in line spaces)

Flags which are too far from the notehead can be removed.

See also: "Dots" section.

Ledger lines

Complexity: low

Some notes are drawn outside the staff line area. To relate them to the right staff, but also to show clearly their degree, small horizontal lines are drawn between the notehead and the staff.

• Maximum size of a ledger line (in line spaces)
Ledger lines wider than the specified value will be ignored.

• Maximum horizontal distance between notehead and the ledger line (in line spaces)
• Maximum vertical distance between notehead and the ledger line (in line spaces)
The notehead is supposed to be more or less centered on the ledger line. These settings enable to adjust this tolerance.


Complexity: low

Accidentals are related to notes. However, when a key change occurs, similar symbols are displayed before notes but are defining the new key value. Changing these settings can lead PDFtoMusic to consider note accidentals as a key change, or vice versa.

• Maximum vertical distance between accidental and notehead (in line spaces)
If the accidental is verticaly too far from the notehead center, it's not taken into account. This setting has rarely to be adjusted. (a)

• Maximum horizontal distance between the right of the accidental and the left of the notehead (in line spaces)
When notes are in a chord, the accidental may have to be shifted left in order to avoid overlapping. Increasing this value will tend to relate the accidental to the note instead of a key change. However, more complex algorithms try to keep consistency in the results provided by this setting (b)

Special cases can be solved by adjusting this value, as in this example:

Where accidentals are drawn far away from the noteheads.

• Maximum horizontal distance between accidentals and notes in chord (in line spaces)
In the same way, in a chord, accidental placement follows a logical scheme. Increasing this value will make PDFtoMusic Pro search for accidentals farther from the noteheads (c).


Complexity: low

Finding proper stems is crucial because it determines both note duration and chords.
Indeed, the note will be linked to beams and flags through its stem.

• Maximum horizontal distance between the notehead and the stem (in line spaces)
Vertical lines drawn too far from the notehead won't be taken into account. (a)

• Maximum thickness of a stem (in line spaces)

Vertical lines thicker than this value won't be taken into account. (b)

• Minimum size of a stem (in line spaces)
Smaller vertical lines won't be taken into account. In certain documents, notes are drawn with very short stems. It will then be necessary to decrease this value. (c)

• Minimum size of a grace note stem (in line spaces)
Smaller vertical lines won't be considered as grace note stems.

• Maximum size of a stem (in line spaces)
Longer vertical lines won't be taken into account. (c)


Complexity: low

The main problem with rests is to recognize whole rests. It is indeed a very basic shape (a rectangle) that can be confused with an horizontal beam or a tenuto symbol for instance. The following settings will help to differentiate.

• Minimum width of a whole rest  (in line spaces)
• Maximum width of a whole rest  (in line spaces)

Too wide, or not wide enough rectangles are not considered.

• Minimum height of a whole rest  (in line spaces)
• Maximum
height of a whole rest  (in line spaces)
Too thick, or not thick enough rectangles are not considered.

• Maximum vertical distance from the rest to the staff area (in line spaces)
Most of the time, the vertical height of rests is in the staff area. However, particularly when the staff is made of several voices, the rest is shifted up or down in order to avoid ovelapping with other symb This value sets the maximum offset from the rest to the upper or lower bound of the staff.


Complexity: low

Tuplets can apply to notes and rests. They are generally drawn above or below a beam. They can be drawn using a bracket that specifies the notes to apply the tuplet to.
Tuplets can be confused with fingering notation.
Tuplet seeking can be deactivated through the "Correction" menu, for the whole document.

• Maximum horizontal distance between the number and the middle of the beam (in line spaces)
When the tuplet is related to a group of beamed notes, the tuplet number is centered on the beam. This value defines the maximum offset from this ideal value. (a)

• Maximum vertical distance between a tuplet and the line (in line spaces)
The tuplet number is usally close to the beam. This value defines the the maximum offset from this ideal value. (b)

• For thin lines broken by a tuplet value, Maximum horizontal distance between the line end and the note (in line spaces)
Sometimes, the tuplet is drawn with a bracket that encloses notes. This value defines the maximum gap between the number and the line end (c)

• Maximum horizontal distance for connecting broken tuplet lines (in line spaces)

When the tuplet number is drawn over the line, this line is broken. This value defines the maximum width of the gap (d)

• Minimum height for tuplet text (in line spaces)
• Maximum height for tuplet text (in line spaces)
These bounds of tuplet character height help to differentiate between a tuplet and a fingering.

• For discriminating between a tuplet and a fingering ornament, ratio between the number of  text objects that can make a well placed tuplet and the number of text objects that can make a tuplet
The possible confusion level between tuplet and fingering is calculated, and if too high (big proportion of possible misplaced tuplets), we'll suppose that tuplets are all drawn with a bracket.


Complexity: low

Dots can be drawn after the notehead to alter its duration, or they can be staccato or repeat barline elements.

• Minimal size of a dot (in line space)

Dust (small meaningless dots) can be removed with this setting.

• Maximum size of a dot, to discriminate it from a grace note head (in line spaces)
Enables to discriminate between a dot and a grace note head.
Increasing this value can affect the double-whole rest recognition

• Maximum vertical distance between the notehead and the dot (in line spaces)
The duration dot related to a notehead to make a dotted note value can be shifted vertically. If a duration dot is not taken into account, increase this value slightly.

• Maximum horizontal distance between the notehead and the dot (in line spaces)
Defines the maximum horizontal distance for a dot to be considered as being related to a notehead.

• Maximum distance between the dot and the repeat bar (in line spaces)
If a repeat barline is taken for a piece start or end barline, increase this value.


Complexity: average

PDFtoMusic has some settings to manually compensate for graphical similarities, such as the shape of tenuto ornaments and whole rests.

• Minimum horizontal size for a tenuto (in line spaces) (b)
• Maximum horizontal size for a tenuto (in line spaces)
• Minimum vertical size for a tenuto (in line spaces)
A tenuto is a small horizontal line usually drawn above the notehead. Many kinds of horizontal lines can appear on a score. These values can be adjusted to locate tenuti between the horizontal lines that haven't yet been processed as staff lines or ledger lines.

• Maximum horizontal distance between ornament and note (in line spaces) (c)
• Maximum vertical distance between ornament and note (in line spaces)
Ornaments are generally placed near the note they are related to. These values define the maximum tolerated distance.

• Minimum horizontal size of an ornament (in line spaces)
Some very small shapes can be taken for ornaments. This value removes very small shapes that can be taken for ornaments.


Complexity: average

Fingerings are numerical values from 0 to 5 that define the finger of the performer that has to be used to play the note.
They can be easily confused with tuplets.
To know the height of a character on the page, hold the mouse pointer over the object for one second.

• Fingering character minimum height (in line spaces)
• Fingering character maximum height (in line spaces)

Adjusting fingering character height bounding values can, in some cases, help to differenciate between a tuplet and a fingering.


Complexity: low

Slurs and ties are always related to two notes: the source note and the target note.
For each shape likely to be a slur, PDFtoMusic Pro searches for the matching notes. If the slur is split because its staff reaches the right edge of the page, PDFtoMusic will seek the target note in the matching staff of the next system.

• Maximum horizontal distance between the slur end and the notehead (in line spaces)
• Maximum vertical distance between the slur end and the notehead (in line spaces)

Maximum distance between the notehead and the slur end. It only affects the rough search of notes related to the slur.

• Minimum slur height (in line spaces)
Defines the amount of arc a slur must have in order not to be considered a horizontal line.

• Imprecision for slur seeking (in line spaces)
Fine setting for finding the note to be related to the slur.

• Vertical imprecision for connecting slurs from a system to another (in line spaces)
When a slur is broken by the end of the page, a second slur is searched for in the equivalent staff of the next system. This value defines the vertical tolerance for finding the second slur.
• Imprecision for merging two overlapping slurs (in line spaces)
In some files, several slurs are drawn at the same place. In order to reduce them to only one slur, an area comparison is performed, with this tolerance.

• Ratio of two-part slurs (mirror) occurrence
In some files, slurs are drawn in two parts, one for the first half, then one (mirorred) for the second part. An analysis is performed for determining whether the file follows this way of displaying slurs.
If the number of end to end slurs compared to the number of separated slurs is greater than the ratio, slurs are considered to be mirrored.
In some cases the slurs are traced via a multitude of small lines.
The following parameters allow you to adjust the splicing precision of these lines.

-Horizontal search precision for castings drawn with lines (in line spaces)
-Precision of vertical search for flows drawn with lines (in line spaces)


Complexity: low

Slurs have been extracted, PDFtoMusic Pro now tries to find which of them are actually ties.
This needs the note height to be compared, as well as a rather short distance between the notehead and the tie end:

• Maximal horizontal distance between the tie end and the note head (in line spaces)
• Maximal vertical distance between the tie end and the note head (in line spaces)


Complexity: average

Horizontal and slanted lines that have not been processed yet will be analyzed in order to see whether they connect to note stems and are thick enough. They will consitute the beams..

• Horizontal imprecision between stem position and beam (in line spaces)
Adjusts how far from the note stem the beam is allowed to appear before it is no longer considered a beam grouping. This value enables to adjust this tolerance (a).
Note that PDFtoMusic may interpret tenuto ornaments as beams if this value is increased.

• Horizontal imprecision between stem position and beam for tremolo (in line spaces)
For tremolos, the beam doesn't connect to the stem (b)

• Vertical imprecision between stem position and beam (in line spaces)
In the same way, vertically the stem end has to be close to the beam (c)

• Minimum thickness of the beam (in line spaces)
Horizontal and slanted lines will be considered as beams only if their thickness is above this value (d)
Be aware a too low value can disturb the tuplet recognition.

• Maximal thickness of the beam (in line spaces)
Horizontal and slanted lines will be considered as beams only if their thickness is below this value (d)

• Minimal distance between beam and notehead (in line spaces)
Beams have to be far enough from the notehead (e)

• Tolerance for multiple beam slope comparison
When a beam is made of several lines, they have to be more or less parallel. This value is the tolerance between these beam slopes.


Complexity: low

• Ratio between characters on the staves and the total number of characters for considering a font as a music font
In order to know whether a font is used for drawing music symbols or text, the way the font characters are spread on the page is analyzed.
The number of characters drawn inside the staff areas is counted, as well as the number of characters outside these areas.
This ratio is compared to the value of this parameter, and the font type determined.

Please note that this result can be changed after the fact by manually editing the font type ("Correction" menu)


Complexity: low

Characters that have not been yet processed as music symbols will be analyzed in order to form words.

• Maximum vertical distance between a character and the word it belongs to (in percent of the word height)

Defines the imprecision in the word base line. The greater value, the more characters located on slightly different line will be considered as belonging to the same word.
Especially useful for for superscripted letters, as in chord suffixes like "C7", where the "7" is shifted up.

• Maximum horizontal distance between the end of a word and a character for concatenation (as a ratio of the word height)

With a greater value, characters farther apart horizontally will be considered as belonging to the same word.
If this value is too high, lyrics related to the staff might merge into a single word.
More important: on tablatures, cell numbers can be erroneous. For instance, a 3 followed by another 3 on the same string will give "33"

• Maximum horizontal distance between the end of the word and the musical symbol for tempo markings  (in percent of the word height)

Enables to merge the tempo text indication and the musical one, made of a note followed by an "equal" symbol and the tempo value.

• Minimal distance between two identical characters (in percent of the character height)

In some files, each character is drawn several time, -almost- at the same place. This parameter enables to remove these identical characters when another one has already been drawn.


Complexity: low

Characters have been grouped into words. These words will constitute word lines, and these lines analyzed to determine whether they are lyrics, or chord names.
Bar numbers, staff or staff group names are extracted.

•Vertical imprecision for creating word lines (as a ratio of the word height)
Defines vertical tolerance for creating word lines.
• Maximum horizontal distance between measure start and its number (in line spaces)
• Maximum vertical distance between measure start and its number (in line spaces)
This defines maximum distances for measure number seeking.

• Maximum vertical distance between the staff and its name (in line spaces)
Staff name is supposed to be vertically centered on the staff line area. This parameter defines the tolerance.


Complexity: low

Word lines that are not chord name lines will be analyzed to extract lyric lines. A lyric line is always located under its matching staff.

• Ratio for discrimination between dash and underline
Horizontal lines in a lyric line are considered as dashes or underline (melisma). The vertical position of the line, in proportion of the line height, differenciates between them.

• Ratio between the number of words and the number of notes in a staff line, theoretically 1.
Enables not considering some words as lyrics, if greater than the limit.

Sometimes, text lines, drawn under a staff are not lyric lines, but for instance, the page footer. The words that can be related to a note are counted, in proportion with those which can't. If this ratio is below the provided value, the line won't be considered as a lyric line.

• Maximum distance between the first line of lyrics and the bottom of the staff (in line spaces)

If the first word line is too far from the bottom of the staff, it is not considered as a lyric line.

• Maximum vertical distance between lyrics lines  (in multiple of the line height)
When searching music with several lyric verses, this setting determines the maximum distance to consider between verses.

• Matching ratio between notes for shared lyrics
When a lyric line is located between two parts, notes in the two staves are compared, and a matching ratio between them is computed. If the result is greater than this parameter value, lyrics are considered as shared between the two staves.


Complexity: low

Words that have not been yet processed as lyrics, chord names, staff names, etc, will be grouped into paragraphs and exported as free text.
First, words will be aggregated into word lines, then the lines vertically merged into paragraphs.

• Maximum horizontal distance for merging text in lines (as a multiple of the font size)
Maximum distance between two words on the same line.

• Maximum horizontal distance for adding a space in line (as a multiple of the font size)
If the distance between two words on a same line is greater than this value, a space character will be inserted between them.

• Maximum horizontal distance for merging lines in a paragraph (as a multiple of the font size)
Maximum horizontal offset between two lines in a same paragraph. It is applied to the left and the right of the lines (paragraphs can be justified)

• Maximum vertical distance for merging lines in a paragraph (as a multiple of the font size)
Maximum vertical distance between two lines of a same paragraph.

Multiple bars

Complexity: low

Multi-rest measures are drawn as a symbol at the center of the measure, and a number above.

• Minimum height of the multi-rest number (in line spaces)

The number has to be tall enough (a)

• Maximum offset between the multi-rest number and the measure center (in line spaces)
The number has to be more or less centered in the measure (b)

• Maximum distance between the multi-rest number and the staff (in line spaces)

The number has to be drawn above the staff, but not too far (c)

Parts / Endings

Complexity: low

Part indicators define portions of the score that are played only at some times.

• Maximum thickness of a part line (in line spaces)
Vertical or horizontal lines thinner than this value will be ignored (a)

• Minimum height of the vertical line (in line spaces)
Vertical lines at the beginning and the end have to be tall enough (b)

• Minimum length of the horizontal line (in line spaces)
The line that joins the beginning and the end can be broken, we define here its minimum length (c)

• Imprecision for connecting vertical and horizontal lines (in line spaces)
Vertical and horizontal lines are interpreted as part of the same (ending) bracket only if they are within this tolerance.

• Minimum height of numbers (in line spaces)
Numbers have to be big enough (d)

• Minimum height of dot (in line spaces)
The dot between numbers, if present, must be big enough. If it is not, it will be removed, in order to avoid confusion with a staccato, for instance.

Crescendo / decrescendo

Complexity: low

Slanted lines that have not been considered yet as beams are analyzed in order to determine whether they connect by one of their ends. Depending on the result, they are either considered as crescendo, decrescendo or marcato.

• Horizontal imprecision for seeking the two lines of the symbol (in line spaces)
• Vertical imprecision for seeking the two lines of the symbol (in line spaces)

Lines have to connect with enough accuracy (a & b)

• Minimum size for a decrescendo. If smaller, the decrescendo will be changed into a marcato (in line spaces)
Decrescendo has to be wide enough, otherwise it is considered as a marcato (c)

• Comparison of crescendo line size (as a ratio of the reference size)
Lines must be of about the same length (d)


Complexity: low

• Maximal distance between dynamic and middle of the staff (in line spaces)
If distance is greater than this value, dynamic marks (pp, mf, ff...) are not considered as such.

Octave offset

Complexity: low

Octave shift symbols (8va, 8vb, 15ma, 15mb) are followed by a line, dashed or not, that shows which notes are affected.

• Horizontal imprecision for seeking line on the right of the symbol (in line spaces)
The line must not start too far from the symbol (a)

• Vertical imprecision for seeking line on the right of the symbol (in line spaces)
Line has to be more or less vertically centered on the symbol (b)

• Discrimination between a line drawn with dashes and a line with dashed attributes (in line spaces)
Maximum distance between dashes when the line is drawn dashed (c)


Complexity: low

In a PDF file, pictures can either be decorative or draw the shape of a music symbol.

• Maximum size of pictures to be processed as music symbols (in pixels)
Bigger pictures will be considered as decorative.

• Minimal size of pictures to be processed as music symbols (in line spaces)
Smaller pictures will be considered as decorative.

• Minimum size of pictures to be exported in the result (in pixels)
Smaller pictures will be ignored and won't be exported in the result file.

Chord grids

Complexity: low

A grid of horizontal and vertical lines is sought. A chord name is associated with this grid.

•Minimum and maximum distance between two lines (in line spaces)
minimum and maximum distances between grid lines.

•Inaccuracy of start of line (in line spaces)
tolerance for the search for the beginning of lines

•Maximum distance between diagram and staff (in line spaces)
diagrams that are too far apart will be eliminated.

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