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Annotations are graphic enrichments that can be added to PDF documents.
They are displayed over the PDF, with a customisable transparency level.
Original data in the PDF file are not altered, and you can easily toggle annotations on or off.


Annotation palette can be switched on from the Windows menu.

Annotation display can be deactivated from the Presentation menu.

To add an annotation, activate the "Add" mode in the annotation palette, then click on the document.
To modify an annotation, click it then change its settings in the palette.
To modify several annotations at the same time, click them whils keeping Shift key pressed.
To edit the text within the annotation, double-click or right-click it.

When an arrow is present, you can move the annotation but keep the arrow head in place by keeping the Shift key down while dragging.


You can copy, cut and paste annotations from one page to another, or between documents. This is done either through the Edit menu, or by using the matching keyboard shortcuts.

To select all the annotations at once, use "Edit > Select all annotations".

Saving, loading, sharing

If you activated the "Store corrections and annotations in PDF file" mode in the global setup, "Document" topic, annotations will be saved within the PDF file itself, otherwise they will be stored in the "PDFtoMusic / Annotations" subfolder of your user documents folder.

Please note that if you intent to share an annotated PDF file with another user, the former mode is recommended. The recipient will have to view it using either PDFtoMusic or PDFtoMusic Pro to be able to see the annotations.

If the recipient doesn't own PDFtoMusic or PDFtoMusic Pro, you can:
  1. Export the document to "Multi-pages SVG" format ("File > Export" menu). The recipient will be able to view and print this file by using a Web browser.

  2. Export the document in Myriad Web format  ("File > Export" menu). If published on the Internet, everybody will be able to view, play or print the document along with its annotations.


Annotation opacity can change progressively according to the score playing status.
You define the annotation opacity at rest (when music is not playing), when playing, and when a given measure range is reached.
When there is break symbols you can define at what time the animating is launched.

Animation will occur with the selected opacity speed.

For instance, you can define an annotation that will only appear when a given position in the score is reached by the playing music.

Animations are available when the PDF is played from PDFtoMusic / PDFtoMusic Pro, or when playng a Myrweb file in a Web browser.


Some graphical objects (highlighted background, roval surrounding, etc) are based on peudo-random values, that makes each object different from the others, but ensures an identical rendering on any computer. You can select a slightly different appearance for the obbject through the "right-click > Regenerate" option.

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